Initial images of the mini-game inspired on CoD Zombies and L4D

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog during this quarantine phase while the World makes their best to find a (possible) cure for the COVID-19 pandemic. And before my classes start in the second week of February, nothing like a good Blog to entertain you.

For this Blog, I'm going to talk about the FPS mini-game in its initial stage and show you the print screens / screenshots of it.

When I was looking for some tutorials on YouTube in how to make an FPS game, few of them presented me an initial base for making the character to walk, to jump and to run, while others used an already script built by Unity for the character's for FPS / TPS games. Yet, one of them approached me to write the scripts for the weapon, the reload, the shooting, the camera zoom (useful for weapon aim and scope) and the UI for the crosshair.

Live - Jogo de FPS unity 5 - Iniciante #1 (criando a primeira arma). Available on Paulo (We make a game) YouTube channel.

After watching Paulo's videos to build the first game components, I imported the models for the 
firearms, bullet shells and projectiles from Blender to Unity.

I made a simple table with a cube (although it looks like a big wooden board) and I placed on top of it the replicas for the StG 44, M1 Garand, PPSh-41 and Thompson M1A1. I also included an ammo cache for replenishing the spent ammo - like in Left 4 Dead.

However, after I imported the Thompson to the project, I noticed some UV gaps for the wooden parts (except for the handgrip next to the trigger) and some metallic components. Probably I'll have to make a texture of the gun with all components joined to create a single object. Same thing to PPSh-41, M1 Garand and StG 44 - despite I applied the Mirror modifier on Blender for the wooden components. But this detail won't interfere in the game's testing mode and development.

The orange dots on the muzzle is an Empty Object and it's for the projectiles being released after the shot. Initially in the script for the weapons, it has the 'Vector3' property to make the bullets to spawn from the muzzle. However, after some tests and trying to adjust the Object by the XYZ coordinates, I decided to change it to 'Transform'. The different between one to another is: Vector3 (or Vector 3) is by adjusting coordinates in the inspector while the Transform is by a fix coordinate in the inspector. Both were linked to the barrel model for each gun.

Thompson M1A1 in the test window

M1 Garand in the test window

PPSh-41 in the test window

Sturmgewehr 44 in the test window

However, while I was testing the gun script to the Thompson M1A1, my brother and I noticed the bullets were coming out in a bizarre way compared to other firearms. I guess the reason for it is: I exported the model from the saved file of the gun attached to the player's arms while I was making its animation sequences while the other models were exported from their original files (without appending the guns to animate them in a different file). Probably I'll test it later.

Cube Pistol in the test window

Cube Shotgun in the test window

While following the tutorials from Paulo (We Make a Game) to make an FPS game, I made a simple pistol and shotgun with cubes. Since the idea is to make a variety of weapons - from pistols to SMG (submachine guns), rifles, bolt-action rifles, assault rifles, LMG (light machine guns), shotguns, melee, consumable items (first-aid kit, revive kit) and special (flame throwers, grenades, explosives and Anti-tank weapons), I created several scripts for the respective weapon class. The shotgun script received an extra programming information as it has the spray projectiles compared to the other weapons scripts.

I plan to continue working on the project and the one for the aircraft, however that project will receive a proper review and script rework after learning some things from the Standard Asset package I imported from Unity. It has scenes and scripts for aircraft (both propeller-engined and jet-engined) in case someone plan to make a War Thunder / IL-2 Sturmovik inspired game. Although my online classes are coming and I'll be busy with Nightwave Intermission III of Warframe (only in night seasons now that can play with my brother), I plan to work on these projects at my spare-time. I hope I can include the zombies made in Minecraft style, the HP bar, the ammo indicator and inventory and other elements to the mini-game. I'm not sure I plan to include the mistery box like from CoD Zombies for special random weapons (I case I'd make it, the special guns would be the flame throwers, the Kaessun Agaraak, Luke Valentine's M1 Garand and few others). In the future I'll record a video of the project and upload it to TonyAnima Projects YouTube channel to share it here.

As for new firearms, I have the M3 Grease Gun and Karabiner 98 Kurz in development along the MG42 and MG34 (I'm not sure I plan to include the MG15 from the Heinkel He 111 project), MP40, Browning M1919A1 and the main ones I exported to Unity after rework at some components. For a proper pistol (M1911, Luger P-08, Walther P38, C96, Enfield Revolver, Nagant Revolver) and a proper shotgun (Winchester M1897, M30 Luftwaffe Driling or a home shotgun) will be made for another time. In case you want to see the M3 and Kar98K, I'll share you the rendered images of these two firearms.

M3 Grease Gun

Karabiner 98 Kurz

That's it for today. I hope you enjoy it. I'll be back with more Blogs in this year. I plan to share more artworks and other things I did in my time. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see it. See you next time.

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Paulo (We Make a Game) channel on YouTube:

Note: Don't you dare to download these images and re-share it without my permission. If you do, please, leave the original author name.
