First video of the mini-game inspired on CoD Zombies and Left 4 Dead

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog during this quarantine phase while the World makes their best to find a (possible) cure for the COVID-19 pandemic. And since this year is starting to unfold for us, nothing like a good Blog to entertain you.

For this Blog, I'm going to talk the CoD Zombies / L4D project I was working on Unity in these days after the last two Blogs related to it. I uploaded a new video to TonyAnima Projects with that project in its current state, along a brief demonstration of the Thompson M1A1 and the M1 Garand animation sequences made on Blender.

Before I planned to record this video, I made the adjustments to the UI canvas for the reticle after the same issue of the reticle missing. I found out the reason for that: moving the canvas out of the original UI object in the hierarchy list (the one for the present elements to the Scene - like the props, terrain, characters, weapons and other things). Also, the error for the reticle not expanding and retracting was the {NaN, NaN, 0 / Infinite, Infinite, 0} values from the script where it couldn't apply those values to the aim. I don't know exactly why it wasn't working until the last time I remade the UI canvas for the aim I managed to make it work without recurring to the UI Behaviour script. I plan to write a new Blog showing you the scripts for the UI, weapons, player and more; or maybe record a new video about it.

Aside from that, I included an ammunition counter - located at the bottom-right corner of the game window. At first I tried to use the values from Current Amount Ammo (the main magazine) and Current Amount Ammo Total (the main ammunition capacity), but it didn't worked as they were Private Classes (in programming sense, you can't edit in the Inspector nor to link it to other scripts unless you add an extra parameter). I had to change them to Public Classes and it worked. However, I need to learn other things from the Paulo We Make a Game FPS tutorial series to make the UI script use only the Current Amount Ammo and Current Amount Ammo Total. In addition, I had the idea to color the ammo clip counter red when it is less than three while the ammunition would remain as white. When I wrote it to the script, it didn't loaded.

UIController script from the project. The idea for the magazine counter is marked in green:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class UIController : MonoBehaviour
public Font fontHUD;
public PlayerBehaviour player;

public static UIController instance;

public AimUIBehaviour aimUI;

// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
instance = this;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()

void OnGUI()
{ = fontHUD;
GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
GUI.Label(new Rect (Screen.width - 100, Screen.height - 85, 200, 80), player.weapons[0].currentAmountAmmo+" / "+player.weapons[0].currentAmountAmmoTotal);

if (player.weapons[0].currentAmountAmmo > 3)
GUI.contentColor =;

After the Unity demonstration with the M1 Garand, the PPSh-41 and the Cube Shotgun, I opened Blender to show you the other firearms I was working for the project like the M1911 Pistol, M3 Grease Gun and the Karabiner 98 Kurz. Let me show you the renders of the M3 Grease Gun, the Kar98k and the M1911 Pistol.

M3 Grease Gun:

I included the dust-cover plate for the M3 along the stock and trigger guard.

Colt M1911 Pistol:

The Colt M1911 is the first handgun to be made in order to replace the Cube Handgun made inside of Unity. I have plans to make the Winchester M1897 'Trench Gun' to replace the Cube Shotgun since it is one of the few shotguns used in WW2.

Karabiner 98 Kurz:

The German Mauser Kar98k didn't received new updates after the last time I was working on it. But, compared to the last Blog I presented the iconic German bolt-action rifle, the trigger and base for the barrel and cleaning rod were the new additions to the gun. I plan in the future to resume it by making the sights, locking mechanism, the hammer and receptor.

In case I plan to include the Kar98k to the mini-game, I believe I will face some challenges to make the reload procedure when a scope is attached to the rifle or when the internal magazine is not fully depleted - the one when the player reload separated projectiles from the stripper clip instead by inserting the clip filled with five/six rounds (six for the Carcano rifles while five for the other bolt-action rifles).

After the firearms, I presented a brief animation sequence of the M1 Garand and the Thompson M1A1. My brother and I noticed the M1 animation looked choppy while for the Thompson showed a little bit of fluidity. I need to rework the keyframes for the M1 rifle before exporting back to Unity. That will apply to the StG 44 and PPSh-41 since they are the only weapons requiring to make the animation sequences attached to the player's hands.

In case you want to know how I rigged the guns to the player, I'll share you one of the videos I found on YouTube.

Blender 2.90 Attach Weapon to Character Rig. Available on Jayanam YouTube channel.

In the future I'll record a new video of the project with these possible changes:

* The Player's arms fully functional;
* The Player's HUD showing the health bar, items used like primary weapons, secondary weapons, first aid kit, grenades and extra items;
* The zombies walking, attacking and dying;
* The zombies spawning at different places from the map;
* The capacity to interact with the objects from the game scene - like the weapons, ammo cache, propane tanks, gas canisters;
* The propane tanks exploding when hit and causing some damage to the Player;
* The gas can exploding when hit and creating a fuel puddle engulfed in flames;
* The grenades being tossed to a target direction; and
* The scopes.

That's it for today. I hope you enjoy it. I'll be back with more Blogs in this year - if nothing change in order to make me occupied like job, studies and civil service exams. I plan to share more artworks and other things I did in my time. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see it. See you next time.

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Note: Don't you dare to download these images and re-share it without my permission. If you do, please, leave the original author name.

All the credits reserved to the original owners.
