Updates for the MP40 and Gewehr 43 - For the mini-game inspired on CoD Zombies and L4D

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog here to start 2023. I know I've been absent for a while without a new Blog. I'm waiting for the results from the exam I performed on January 15, which is taking some time to be announced. Now that the job contract at the public health center has ended, I'm going to have all the time to study, do my personal things like Blender, Unity, literary works and finding a new job in the meantime. Yet, the town hall from where I live is calling more candidates qualified from the selective process to work at the health center. There's a chance they will call me to work at that place one more time. Who knows? Also, I'm waiting to be called to work as a teacher by the Government's selective process I assigned for a while. Both are great in case I'd receive some payment for my services and skills.

University is now in course, yet I won't have the same weight compared to the previous semesters where I had two virtual exams, four activities before the recorded classrooms, four activities after the classrooms to fix my knowledge, a forum where I share two different answers, four web learning materials, four recorded classrooms and one in-person exam (for those who are online, you perform it on the computer while your activity is monitored under no circumstance of changing the browser tab or the exam would be invalidated by attempted any forms of cheating). Instead I'm going to have two virtual exams, four web learning materials, four recorded classrooms and one in-person exam. I'm not sure there will be any interdisciplinary activities. Let's hope not.

With Nightwave intermission chapter at max level (level 30 to be precise), I don't have to waste my hours to perform more boring challenges. As I concluded the New War and the Angels of Zariman, the blocked challenges are now available in case I'd play with my brother on Zariman.

Disregarding Warframe, let's go to the important thing here in this Blog. For today, I'm going to show the new renders of the firearms I was working on Blender for the mini-game inspired on Call of Duty Zombies and Left 4 Dead. I made some changes on the MP40 and started a new semiautomatic rifle to compete with my M1 Garand in the mini-game. The German Gewehr 43.

Maschinenpistole 40:

Amazing. I remade almost all components like the base for the barrel, the iron sight, the magazine and its holder / feeder and receptor. Compared to my previous images, the MP40 had a great improvement.

Now the next components to adjust are the rear sight and the region of the wooden parts near the base of the stock. There's another button that's located under the wooden piece - next to the feeder; and one at the right side of the feeder - at the same line to a big button on the left side.

Gewehr 43:

The Gewehr 43 (often known as G43, Karabiner 43 or K43) is going to be my second semiautomatic rifle. I reused the Kar98K's stock plus the cleaning rod and the trigger while the barrel and the sights were appended from the StG 44's project, with minor adjustments to fit in the images. The original components like the receptor, the bolt and the magazine had to be made manually. So far, it's looking good.

Then I made new adjustments and new components for the G43.

I concluded the rifle's receptor and bolt. An interesting detail I want to highlight is: following some photos and videos, some of the Gewehr 43's components consisted in machined steel. Few of them had a crude / cracked appearance. The reason for that is due to the rushed need the Germans had for new semi auto rifles to the front while the Allies were constantly bombing Germany. So much that the material's quality dropped in order to simplify production.

For the project, I tried a new material using the Principled BSDF Shader. I gave it a cracked appearance for the bolt and the base for the rear sight. I found it good, yet I imagined it could look more like a crude steel with some pores due to lack of proper treatment. Then my brother helped me after I watched another tutorial on YouTube in how to make different types of materials for metal. I'll show you in the next Blog.

Other changes were the magazine. I added it some grooves like I did for the StG 44 and the MP40. Speaking on the German Sturmgewehr 44, I plan to make the Gewehr 43 using its curved magazine and the 7.92x33mm Kurz. I'm not sure if the model would fully fire in semiautomatic or would have the selective fire switch like in the assault rifle and the FG42 since there are no reports nor any trustworthy information about the G43 chambered in 7.92x33mm Kurz. But I do plan to make the sniper version of it.

Well, that's it for today. I hope you enjoy it. I'll be back with more Blogs in this year - if nothing change in order to make me occupied like job, studies and civil service exams. I plan to share more artworks and other things I did in my time. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see it. See you next time.

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Note: Don't you dare to download these images and re-share it without my permission. If you do, please, leave the original author name.
